Form design options

Hey, Team. I’m new here and love your platform and service. I’m working on my app, but I couldn’t locate options to change the design of the format, or perhaps layout would be a better word. Is there a way to change form designs? Rather than the forms running vertically, it would be great to be able to plot them out horizontally, too. In addition, it would be nice also to have the option for tabs here. Or could it be possible to maybe include navigation linked to each section’s name?

Hey @Kp1991,

The forms are somewhat restrictive in layout compared to the other pages in your app, you can however change the width of each field and they will automatically shuffle around. For example if you set 2 fields to 50% width they will then sit next to each other on the same row

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That did the trick! Thanks, EthosLuke. Now I just need to try to tackle these formulas part of my noloco tables…