The pop out box for inline editing within a collection, rows or grids (its probably on other views/modules as well but these are the ones I use) is quite buggy. It often closes itself while typing and is, in general, not user friendly compared to the direct inline editing that’s in a details section. I’m sure there are applications where this is necessary such as when the text box area exceeds the field size on the page. Ideally it would be set up similar to airtable where you have the option to expand to a pop out box.
But, at the very least, could we get this more reliable. I’m using inline editing a lot and often have to click into the pop up box several times before I can update my info accurately.–swsYyBTvgW_Nyj1eA6lv5dL-PDu1R/view?usp=sharing
Here’s a video of the edit modal closing itself while I’m typing, this is pretty common.
The inline edit feature on collections such as tables remains unreliable, its a regular headache for my users and I. It forces us to click into each record and use the details in line editing for a more reliable experience, although that has also had some glitchiness lately with the cursor jumping boxes occassionally.
This is almost unbearable. It’s been a good half year of this, we really need a solve. My client uses this functionality a lot and entering data is a nightmare.
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