Launch Week Day 5 - Spaces are here to revolutionize app navigation

Hey everyone! :wave:

It’s Day 5 of Launch Week. The last and final day of this brilliant week. We’re closing this week with a game-changing feature for our Enterprise customers: Spaces.

Spaces help organizations better manage large apps with multiple pages, roles, and functional areas. By grouping your app into distinct spaces, you can simplify navigation, improve organization, and give users a more focused, experience.

Check out our explainer video for Spaces below!

Introduction to Spaces

What Spaces Can Do:

  • Page Organization: Group related pages within each space and reorder them for clarity.
  • Visibility Control: Restrict access to spaces based on roles or custom conditions, making sure users see only what’s relevant to them.
  • Custom Themes: Assign colors and icons to make spaces visually distinct and easy to identify and switch between.

Why Spaces Matters:

Spaces help users find the content they need faster by breaking large apps into smaller, manageable areas. Now you can keep your app organized and easier to manage as it grows.

If you’ve got 40+ pages in your app’s sidebar, you can split that into 5 different Spaces with less than 10 pages in each space.


How it works

  • Set Up Spaces in Settings: Create spaces with a unique name, icon, or logo.
  • Assign Visibility Rules: Define who can access each space based on roles or conditions.
  • Customize Themes: Set unique themes and layouts for each space to enhance clarity and usability.
  • Organize Pages: Assign pages to spaces for clear, prioritized navigation.

Spaces ensure seamless access across your app while keeping users focused on the content that matters most to them.

Ready to elevate your app organization with Spaces? Visit your app settings to get started or contact us to learn more about upgrading to Enterprise.

Maximize your app organization with Spaces! Learn how to set up and optimize them today.

And that’s a wrap on our Launch week! The feedback and enthusiasm we’ve received from everyone has been incredible. I can’t wait to see how you’re all using the latest and greatest features that were launched this week.

Darragh & the Noloco Team


@darragh this looks amazing, great work again Noloco team!

What would make this absolutely awesome is if you could clone spaces via a workflow; you could then use a space per project, automatically created when a new project is created. I already made a hacky workaround for this if you remember, but a proper solution would be AMAZING! :metal:

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Thanks @lukebranford !

Just to clarify how it works slightly, Spaces don’t change any of the data in your pages, in fact they don’t affect your pages at all.

They simply change which pages are shown in your sidebar when you’re in a specific space.

Our biggest customers have 150+ pages in their apps, and their teams were really struggling to navigate the apps, and know which pages were applicable to them.

Spaces allows you to create different functional groups of pages, which clean up your sidebar.

Those same customers went from 150 pages to 10-15 distinct Spaces, each with a specific function and anywhere from 5 - 10 pages per Space.

Ah, gotcha, that’s equally as great! I’ll have a think about how I might use it on one of my apps :slight_smile:

So please consider having similar UI but it acts as a kinda site wide data filter, so that the user can just view data from a particular project. I do this at the moment in one of my apps, with the project added to the user record then record visibility based on this, but it’s very hacky!

Great update to end the week!

I have an idea to take this one step further:

Allow users to create their own “personal” spaces with the pages that are available to them. It could often be the case that you setup a space for a specific department but there will be users in that department who only access a subset of those pages and may want to make their own space to only show what they find relevant to them.

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Great suggestion, thanks @EthosLuke :tada: