Request: Allow for Spaces in the Business plan
- Currently, Spaces are only available on Enterprise.
- Many of the apps I build are on the Business plan, and even for those that aren’t (e.g. Pro or even Starter), I have often felt the desire for segmenting out the pages better through something like what Spaces now offers.
- Allowing this only on Enterprise seems like purely an upgrade-incentive, and seems ironic to me as the whole positioning for the Business plan is that it is meant “For businesses building connected solutions across their organization” (cited from the pricing page).
- The reality is, any business building “connected solutions” that span the org likely have those solutions divided by various roles in that certain people can access X solution, while other people can access Y solution.
- From my perspective, this feature should be available on the Business plan for those reasons, and also because many of the enterprise features are enterprise because they offer material changes/upgrades (i.e. custom record capacity, etc), where this in my opinion should be a lower-tier configuration option at least in Business, if not Pro.
The feature is fantastic! I just hope it become more accessible. With love : )
In my opinion this should be treated the same as custom SMTP and be allowed to be purchased as an add-on to the business plan.
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I was actually quite surprised this wasn’t in the Business plan. For many of the other features I can see how they are very much enterprise, but I had initially thought this would be included in Business when I saw the release.
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Totally understand your suggestion, but IMO there has to be some framework or criteria for when any given feature is designated as an add-on, lest it just be an unjustified cash-grab, and I think the main criteria for a lot of SaaS is that the feature is an outlier. In the case of SMTP, many people won’t need or even think to ask for that. Great example of an outlier feature that can be offered at additional cost. But Spaces seems to be a “standard configuration” type of feature that you’d expect with the Business plan as Luke suggested, if not the “Pro.”
Just my thoughts 
I agree that there needs to be some kind of validation or reason for the decision but it can be quite hard to define that criteria as I think that varies a lot by the type of clients you are dealing with.
For example, most of my clients sound quite different to yours - they want and require their app to be fully branded including the domain that emails are coming from and thus require the custom SMTP functionality, whereas they don’t have a need for Spaces (yet).
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Ahh great point!
Hopefully the team can come to a good resolution for possibly moving the Spaces feature to a more fitting tier, or a different approach like add-ons.
Thanks as always for the great feedback!
We’re always listening, as you know too well by now.
We’re starting with Spaces on Enterprise, because that’s where we see it having the biggest impact first, and to make sure we nail the messaging and benefits.
In the future, we might offer a limited version to other plans, without a doubt.