Noloco CSS Hack of The Day 😆

So - for most the “greyed out” default style of buttons by default work to indicate that the form is not finished being filled out… but i was surprised how many of my users assumed something was broken when a required field is miss in a form that creates a new record.

So, to make it idiot proof, i did a little CSS hacking as I usually do to customize the messaging of buttons on ‘create new’ form pages.

You will likely need to do a bit of customizing as my buttons are also moved slightly for my other CSS nonsense, but should work just fine!

(Tip: Use “stylebot” chrome extension to visually play with CSS on the front end without actually adding it to your project)

Normal State - Record can be saved

Disabled State - Form is missing specific information

The Code With Explanation


/* Style the "Create New" button specifically within the new record form */
/* Moves the button slightly to the right and enhances readability */
[data-testid="new-record-form"] button[mutationtype="CREATE"] {
  margin-left: 60px; /* Push button to the right */
  font-size: 1em; /* Standard font size */
  font-weight: 900; /* Bold text to make it more prominent */


/* When the button is disabled (aria-disabled="true"), hide the inner text span */
/* This prevents users from seeing the default button text while in a disabled state */
[data-testid="new-record-form"] [aria-disabled="true"] span {
  opacity: 0; /* Completely hide button text */

/* Style the disabled button itself */
/* Changes opacity and background color to indicate it is inactive */
[data-testid="new-record-form"] [aria-disabled="true"] {
  opacity: 0.8; /* Slightly faded to indicate it's inactive */
  background-color: #333; /* Dark gray to reinforce disabled status */


/* Adds a pseudo-element (:before) to display a warning message when button is disabled */
/* This makes it clearer to users why they can't proceed */
[data-testid="new-record-form"] [aria-disabled="true"]:before {
  content: "🚨 Information Missing | Please Fill Out Completely to Continue"; /* Custom message */
  position: static; /* Keeps the text within normal document flow */
  float: left; /* Aligns text to the left of the button */
  color: white; /* Ensures visibility against dark background */
  padding: 5px 10px; /* Adds some space around the text */
  font-size: 0.9em; /* Slightly smaller font size for readability */
  font-weight: 300; /* Light font to avoid overwhelming the user */
  border-radius: 5px; /* Rounded edges for a softer UI feel */
  white-space: nowrap; /* Prevents text from wrapping to multiple lines */

The Raw Code:


/*create new thing, save btn*/
[data-testid="new-record-form"] button[mutationtype="CREATE"]{
  font-weight: 900;
[data-testid="new-record-form"] [aria-disabled="true"] span{
  opacity: 0;
[data-testid="new-record-form"] [aria-disabled="true"]{
  opacity: .8;
  background-color: #333;
/* Pseudo-element for disabled button */
[data-testid="new-record-form"] [aria-disabled="true"]:before {
  content: "🚨 Information Missing | Please Fill Out Completely to Continue";
  position: static;
  float: left;
  color: white;
  padding: 5px 10px;
  font-size: 0.9em;
  font-weight: 300;
  border-radius: 5px;
  white-space: nowrap;