Sync users : different lists from one airtable table

Hello :wave:,

I’m stuck trying to sync users. I’m trying to synchronise users in a new list from a table I’ve already used to synchronise users in another list, subject to certain conditions. This doesn’t seem to be possible.

In concrete terms: I’ve created a first list from my ‘Training files’ table (“Alternants CAP AEPE”), and I’m trying to create a second list from this table (“Alternants CAP GI”), but this time the table is greyed out in the list and I can’t select it.

However, User Lists | Noloco says :
‘Can I add multiple user lists?
Yes! as per the screenshot from Step #2 above, you can connect multiple different user lists - from the same or different data sources. This is useful if you’re maintaining different lists for different types of users (e.g. Team vs Customers).’

If I need to create several different user lists from the same table, do I have to do everything from the same list and adapt the conditions? It’s a bit complicated given the number of different users in this table… The number of conditions is going to be a headache!

Maybe I’ve missed something ?

Thanks !

Hi Jean David,

I’ve just responded to your query via our support chat.

To clarify, we allow one user list sync per table. However, there’s no limit to the number of tables from which your users can be synced from within your external database, which is what we mean in our guides when we say you can add multiple user list syncs.

The features “Conditional roles” and " Should all users be included?" allow you to:

  1. Assign user roles to each user from this table based on specific field criteria/values
  2. Control which users are synced to Noloco from this table in your external data source.

Unfortunately, we don’t support multiple user list syncs pointing to the same table.