Timezone functions in workflows

Feature Request: Timezone functions in workflows

In one of my workflows, I am pasting the current date (“Now” within the Relative Dates section of the workflow builder), into an Airtable field called “Sent Date” (used for quotes).

However, Darragh helpfully explained to me that all server-side timestamps use UTC. So on 4/17, I triggered the workflow (I am on ET), and the workflow pasted 4/18 (UTC). Obviously this is on the team’s radar as it came up in conversation, but I wanted to put it here officially so it’s in the feature requests.

I’ll be getting around this with a formula field in my backend, but ultimately would love to see some functions added to the Relative Dates pane.

As a summary of the current state of things:

Action buttons use the local time, whereas workflows use UTC


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