Tracking time spent in stages

Wondering if anyone else has had this use case and if they managed to solve for it.

My app has a collection of deals, and each deal will always be assigned a stage. I want to track time spend (in days) in the current stage and time spent in each subsequent stage as the transaction progresses through the deal lifecycle.

Some reports I would like to run include:

  1. how many deals are in stage A August
  2. how many deals are in stage B in July vs August vs September
  3. how much time is spent in each stage? What are the averages
  4. how much time is spent moving from stage A to B and C to D, and what are the averages over time


I just started on something similar this morning so I haven’t sorted it all out yet. But my thought has been to log the date/time when each stage is started (so one for each stage) and then have calculating fields to find the difference from one stage to the next.

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Make any headway with this?

Hey @Pablo10 and @onlymatt - while not a direct answer to your question

This post on tracking time in projects might give you some inspiration into how you could automate this

I imagine you would need to add a time entry for each stage, linked to each deal

Then you could probably use our Pivot Tables to do the analysis you mention in point 4

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