Enhanced navigation & support for multiple navbars

Hi guys,

I’ve rolled out Noloco to support a very short-notice and challenging request from colleagues for a kind of “do it all” business system for an event (I would describe it as straddling a CRM, event mgmt tool, press mgmt list, project manager … did I just build a mini ERP in two weeks!?)


A few “pages” are really integral in the short term:

  • The RSVP responses (from an RSVP table)
  • The guest list (basically RSVPs mapped onto contacts)

My goal in designing the UI for colleagues is to minimise the amount of time they spend fishing for these links.

Here are two things I would like to do to that end:

1: Duplicate both links without needing to actually duplicate the resources in Noloco. If I could, I’d probably create a folder called “Quick Links” and put it at the top of the navbar for the next few days while these pages are being accessed all the time

2: Create an additional/secondary navbar that would appear at the top

In a similar vein (as my tool is an internal one only) I’d love to be able to create nav bars or nav bar entries with permissions tied to internal user groups.

My use-case:

I work for a private individual and this CRM is shared with a few team members at non-profit he chairs (actually, two of them!). So we’re sharing this as an internal tool but we work at different organisations.

I can’t share all of our internal resources with them, but I can share a lot of them. I would love to be able to mark off users by user group and create navbars or nav items accordingly.

Thanks for reading, great product, keep it up!