Error with Formula field Contatenating ID

Hi there,

We’ve come across an issue with the result of a formula field we created.
It appears to occur when new records are added to the table in question - the formula is not displaying the expected result for these new records.

The formula concatenates the table ID with other values in the same table. Formula is below:

Below, you can see two new records where the formula is result is not displaying the ID (these should start 'R186 and R187) instead, only ‘R’ is displayed.

Thanks for bringing this to our attention - it only occurs on creation is that right?

Hi Daragh,

Yes, whenever a new record is created the formula does not appear to update correctly/display the expected result.


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We’ve flagged this with the team - we’ll keep you posted

In the meantime, you could maybe calculate that value with a workflow?


Will try your suggestion Darragh. Thank you.

I have what I think is a related issue, I’m creating records via Make/API and I have a linked record field which should automatically link, however when new records are created they aren’t automatically linked up. But when the records are updated the automatic link then kicks in.

Have you considered linking based on uuid @EthosLuke ? I think that would solve your problem

I can give that a shot, they’re self-linking records (parent & children) so I’ll need to ensure they’re created sequentially and then will need to do a search for the parent record to obtain it’s uuid…

My only concern is that I get frequent operation timeouts with the Noloco modules in Make so I’m afraid my scenario won’t be able to run for long enough!

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Hi Darragh,

Just wondering whether there is any update on this? Or, approx. when we can expect to see resolved?
