Modal forms displaying as page forms

I want to have displayed my forms as modal, and i configure them to show as it. But when I save my changes and test the form, it stills displaying as page form. Is this something usual?

Is this when you visit the page or click the ‘+ New’ button?

To be clear, the setting is only about the button on the collection list

If you can send us the URL to this page we can confirm

It is in the “nueva actividad button”, in the main page of “actividades” its configured to be a modal form. Is there a way to keep the modal while using the form in another page?
Here is the link of the page: Lead 004 — Leads | Noloco Salescrm Template
Than you Darragh!

Is there a way to keep the modal while using the form in another page?

No, not at the moment, but thanks for that feedback!

We might suggest using an Action Button